Friday, May 15, 2009

Why is samasrayanam done? Its significance.

What is Samasrayanam?

All Srivaishnavins undergo a sacravant called Samasrayanam which is same as "Pancha Samskaram" ( Five Duties) which every Sri Vaishnavan should get done from his Acharyan (guru).

Who does it and how is it done? 

In olden days, all the Vaishvaites were very orthodox, performing daily Agni Hothram* and therefore the father of the family himself was the Acharyan for the members of that family. He was initiating the members into Sri Vaishnava sampradayam by Samsrayanam process.Now-a-days, most of the family heads are loukhikas and so for the purpose of Samasrayanam, we approach pontiffs heading religious Madams.

*Agnihothram is the daily Homan ritual to be done by a brahamin. Fire for cooking will be taken daily by the housewife from this homa kund only.  The fire will never extinguish in the homa kund. When the person dies, he will be cremated from the fire taken only from this homa kund) 

Since there are two specific sub-sects in Vaishnavism namely Vadakalai and Thenkalai, the respective followers will have to get Samasrayanam done from their respective pontiffs.
 Even under the two sampradaya groups mentioned above, there are many Acharya paramparas and each parampara pontiff has His own shishya kotis.

What is its Significance?

Now coming to Samasrayanam. This process of initiation of a vaishnavan into Sri Vaishnavism, is by performing Pancha Samskara through an Acharyan. 
The Pancha samskaras [five fold rituals] are the following:

1. tApa samskaram- or wearing [or embossing] the marks of the Conch [Shakhu] and Discuss [ChakrA] the two weapons [ornaments] of MahavishNu.
2. pundram: To wear the dvAdasa Urdhva pundram (12 Thiruman & Srichoornam)
3. nAmam: To be initiated by the AchAryA afresh as"RAmAnuja dAsan"(addition of 'dAsA'at the end of ones name) to indicate that one is forever a servant of the Supreme Lord Sriman NArAyanA and BhagavAnRAmAnujA.
4. manthram: To get the initiation of "Rahasya Traya MantrAs" - AshtAksharam, Dvayam and charama slokam.
5. Ijyai: To learn the worship of Sriman nArAyanA in proper form (Bhagavad ThiruvArAdhanam).

All Individuals are subordinate to the Lord. As a token and mark of this quality, we identify ourselves thorugh a symbol of the Lord. The Acharya after prayers invoke the Lord and His weapons [Sudharsana and Paanchajanya] to be present in the fire. He [Acharya] specially prays to Sudharshana and Paanchajanya to be eternally present in the individual undergoing Pancha samskara. The emblem of Sudharsana [Chakra] is heated in the fire and embossed on the right hand, chanting the following:

Sudharsana Mahajwala! Koti Soorya sama prabha |
agnAnanda syamE dEvA vishNOr maargam pradharsaya ||

(Oh! Flamy, fiery Sudarsana as lustrous as crores of Sub, please show me, an ignorant one, the path of Lord Vishnu.)

Afterwards, the emblem of Paanchajanyam is hearted in the fire and embossed on the left hand chanting the following hymn:

Paanchajanya nijadwana dwastapataka sanchya |
Paahimaam paapinaam ghOra Samasranava pathinam ||

(Oh paanchajanya! [Conch Shell] you are capable of driving away the sins of individuals through your Sound. Please protect me, a sinner from this samsaaram)

Taapa samskara is the most important because in the absence of this, an individual is not qualified to recite the mantras and perform the ArAdhanam [formal workship] of Sriman Narayana. The purpose of this is to purify the body and mind of the individual who is the token of his having become a VishNu devotee should bear permanently on his body the symbol of ChakrA and Sankhu. The reason for choosing these two symbols of Vishnu is that the Conch represents the auspiciousness, whereas the ChakrA [discuss] represents the spiritual energy that wards off evil.

Out of the above 5 rituals, the 4th namely Manthram has three parts.

1. Ashtaksharam: the eight akshara manthram of Narayana.
2. Dhvayam: Mantra for promising kainkaryam to Perumal & Piratti.
3. Charam sloham:  Lord krishna's "Mam Ekam Charam Vraja"

These three Mantras have to be learnt as upadesa only from the Acharyan.
Only after Samsrayanam, anybody, even when born in a Vaishnavite family, will becomt Sri (True) Vaishnavan and only after this, he is fit to perform any vaihnavite ritual -- right from daily Perumal Aradanam up to rituals linked to departed elder of the family. 
In the case of ladies, even cooking for the family can be done only after samasrayam. Otherwise, Sri Vaishnavas will not touch the food prepared by them. 


  1. Excellent Article. Very neat presentation and articulation of facts.

  2. HI........Bargavi,
    This is sowjanya....Today I read ur blog about samasrayanam....It is very nice to know about new thinks from u....keep it up.

  3. Great insight.. I am enlightened

  4. Hi, I am one vaishnavite without knowing all these rituals. But after reading your blog I am going to perform all these samarsyanam activities with my Ahobila mada acharyan at the earliest possible. Thank you Baby for ennoda kannai thorandatharku.

  5. Thanks for sharing the spiritual essence of our great religion. Your article reinforces the unique fact of Hindusim that this religion is a 'way of life' and forms a part in every activity of a Hindu at every stage of his/her life.

    May you be blessed to bring out more such contributions!

  6. I was looking specifically for the reason behind ladies undergoing samasrayanam.. thanks for that info.. at a time when sri vaishnavism is slowly declining (some dont even know why they wear srichoornam - it easily shows how much our 'SRI' vaishnavism respects women actually) it is good to see blogs such as these.. thanks!

  7. the following sentence appears to be confusing: "Madam is AhobilaMat Jeeyar parambara and Ashram and Munithirayam are same, which represents Andavan Ashram."
    To my little knowledge of Vaishnavism, me an Iyengar of Vadagalai Sect., Andavan Ashram and Munithrayam are different; may be they are alike in that they form a separate distinguished from Ahobila Mutt. Munithrayam, I believe is derived from Sanskrit, meaninng, three apostles or saints, presumably down the line of 74 simhasanadipathis,nominated by Swami Desikan
    Further, Thengalai sect.also does have their guruparampara,about which your article is silent. The Thengalai sect, drawing inspitation fro Manavalamamunigal (born after Swami Desikan) also has Guruparambara. They also must be having some initiation into a ritual like Samasrayanam, as not all Tengalai Iyengars are Swayamacharyas or Agnihotris.

    Would you be kind enough to correct me, if I am wrong?

  8. please make a correction in my above comments as follows:- 74 simhasanadipathis, nominated by Ramanujar and not Swami Desikan

  9. The article why samasrayam done is very interesting and educative. However, I am still unclear about asll the differences between the Vadagalai and Thengalai sects. I understand that there are 18 differences, viz a viz. sporting naman (pundaram), beginning of all manthras with either Ramanuja dayapathram or srishailesha dayapathram, preeminence or preference given to Lord over His consort (Thayar), relating oneself to the Lord (prapathi or saranagathi)and lineage (guruparampara). Could you throw more light on this subject?

    1. All are just branding yourself to one idea or other. But god is one and only one. He does not require this branding. Like bhagavath gita says, you surrunder to him with true love he will come to save you. These were very olden days methods to identify people of same sect so all can identify the person whom they are dealing with. Do we need this in todays world? What benifit does get a bhakta get from this other than shoo away of "evil forces" which noboby can gaurentee in today's world. Any proven scientific benefit out of this process. Fasting has been proven to be good scientifically. Anyone here has any idea if this process by which you expose skin to intense hest will benifit you?

  10. Very nice article...keep it up.....

  11. Hi,
    Excellent article. Please write an article on Vaishnava Nithya Thiruvaradhana Krama

  12. After having undergone samasrayanam, is it forbidden to visit shiva temples?

    1. The Paramaatma is only One. You are the same person who is the mother of your children and also wife of your husband. The God manifests as Shiva for a different purpose and as Vishnu for a different purpose. One of the sandhya vandana mantram is: “Sivaya Vishnu Roopaya| Siva Roopaya Vishnuve| Sivasya Hrudayam Vishnuhu| Vishnooscha Hrudayam Sivayaha|”.
      Try to understand the tatvam is what the acharyas say to realize The God!
      Ekameva adviteeyam brahma.

  13. @ Rajan...There are differences I would say. & its a topic in itself to be discussed. We shall try to bring out a post on it.

  14. @ Anna Poorni
    About visiting Siva Temple...
    When Samasrayanam is done, we promise to oblige to the rule of "Maha Vishvasam" which means, I am truthful to Mahavishnu alone. So People who actually take up that vow follow it to the end.

    My understanding of this concept (Not as a rule but as Common Sense...)

    In our philosophy we do Idol worship (i.e.) we start by fixing our mind on a Roopa (form). We then associate the Roopa to His Gunas (qualities). As common sense would suggest us, the more the roopas, the more the distribution of concentration and thus the distribution of love. Since Sri Vaishnavism has Lord Vishnu as its Epicenter, one is asked to resort and imagine Him as the only God and to get immersed in His Qualities. There is yet another way of seeing it. A Sri Vaishnavin would know a lot more about Lord Vishnu and His qualities than any other and so it is easy for the person to fall in love with Lord Vishnu and His qualities than any other. So the love for God and the bakthi that comes out of his loyalty to that one God is much more powerful and will bring him to the lotus feet of Sri MahaVishnu than the concept of following many.

  15. samasrayam is undertaken by vadakalai sect of vaishnavites from Guru, i.e Munithrayam or Madam . Munithrayam refers tooriginal Andavan Swamigal and the subsequent 3 branches, like Srirangam Srimad Andhavan and the Paravakkottai Andavan. Madam is referred to as Sannadhi or Ahobila Madam, presently presided over by senior and junior jeers or pontiffs.

    The entire vaishnavite philosophy revolves on Saranagadhi or prapatthi as enshrined in the Geethe verse, "Sarva dharmam parichchatya, ma mekam saranam vraja; Aham thvom sarva papebyp Mokshayitwami, ma sushaha''. Simply said surrender to ME, leaving everything and I will get you Moksha

    Hence, on the basis of the above, vaishnavites undergo Samasrayam or Pancha Samaskaram, from their Guru. He surrenders to Him through his Guru. Guru Parambara is the most venerable, rather than HIM for the vaishnavites.

    For space constraints, I am unable to comment more. So much for the present.

  16. adien dasoham sarvaparadhini, na peru krishna nenu vaishnavuduini nenu inka samasrayanamulu pondaledu, pancha samskaramunu evarininchi pondavachu daniki cheyavalisina homamulu kratuvula gurinchi mail cheyagalaru, naa mai id:

  17. samasrayam is a ritual only after which one becomes a true vaishnavite and to my knowledge, any one, i.e. a non-vaishnavite can undergo Samasrayam from Jeers or Andavan swamigal. There are Thengalai vaishnavites, who get their Samasrayam done through their own Gurus, by tradition. For further expert comments, one may contact, either Jeer Swamigals or Andavan Swamigals or Sri Karyamas (Secretaries) concerned in the Mutts.

  18. is a person is eligible to do sradha karma with out under taking Samasrayanam.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Vaishnava getting married to another caste girl also eligible to do samasrayanam?

  21. Difference between Madam & Munithriyam has not been explained.What is the significance of the two when both are Vadagalai sects.Only Acharyans are different.Will somebody elucidate?

  22. Sanathana dharma is great True vaishnava this yugam we cant find if found he is narayanam naram chaiva narothamam.
